
OXO Game

The project involved the development of an OXO Game using Python and the utilization of the PyQt5 library. The main objective was to create a multiplayer game where two users could connect to the same server and play the game remotely. The OXO Game, also known as Tic-Tac-Toe, is a classic board game played on a 3x3 grid. To create the graphical user interface (GUI), the PyQt5 library was employed. PyQt5 is a powerful toolkit for creating desktop applications, providing a wide range of features for building interactive interfaces. The library facilitated the design and implementation of the game board, user prompts, and other visual elements.


Curious Explores

The project involved the design and development of a 3D game using the Unity game engine. The game aimed to provide an adventure and exploration experience set in the vastness of the universe. The main objective of the game was to navigate through space while avoiding obstacles. Using the Unity game engine, I created a virtual environment that simulated the vastness of space. The core gameplay mechanics revolved around flying in space and avoiding obstacles. Players would control a spacecraft or a character navigating through various levels or environments. They would need to maneuver skillfully to avoid colliding with asteroids.



During my internship at MOHARA Ventures, I worked on an exciting project called Apricot, a platform designed to simplify operations for consumer goods companies. It helps businesses save time by automating the supply chain process, replacing the need for manual Excel management. Apricot allows companies to upload orders and automatically schedule everything from assembly tasks to ingredient and packaging orders. The platform is highly visual, making it easy to see the impact of any changes on the supply chain. The goal of Apricot is to improve efficiency, reduce waste, and help companies better manage their environmental impact.


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